He is more and more suspicious of harboring an esrs, but his tongue holds black hands and knows that many people think he is a fool. He would rather let them think that he is nothing more than a powerful long-range arm and a powerful sword, which gives him a unique advantage.

Gul39dan read his black hand and wondered if the new spiritual leader Ore felt that more orc leaders had reached their eyes.
Gul39dan said it was painful to admit that we didn’t know everything. Kilgardan led the entity, the black hand, the secret port and they were willing to share the laboratory.
Gul39dan’s eyes are shining, and now he is very excited. Gul39dan bends over the area and continues to speak in awe and whisper.
We know that you are very good in front of children, but they are all willing to teach us some of their strength. We don’t rely on the spirit of Dent when we are on a whim. Gul39dan ignores posture. This is weakness. This is unreliable. You can fight in the desert to make you capable.
Mafia’s face hardened. He witnessed this. It has taken power. When he fought rirs to snatch victory, the wizard had yelping terror and no longer worked with them.
I heard that he growled softly.
Imagine what you can do. You lead a group of wizards who control them.
Instead of begging and scraping, Gul39dan continued ued. Imagine these wizard officials who are also fighting for one side. Who can say that sending your enemies to escape from terror? Naiqi’s magical insects dry summer blood. Abdis said that their attention is not in the battle. The black hand lifted the thick eyebrows. I can imagine the success tax in this condition. Almost every success.
Gul39dan nodded and smiled. That’s right.
But how do you know this is a fact, not some false promise?
Gul39dan laughs and expands because of my friend, I have experienced this, and I will teach you everything I know about wizards there.
Impressive rumbling black hand
But this is not the Ministry. I can be a warrior. I know a way for you to fight. Everyone is stronger, fiercer and deadlier by your side. All this can be done, but we, we demand it.
I can’t continue to wave me when I talk about every leader and every tribe. Whenever they complain about Gul39dan, he says that he is waving his hand because of some people who agree with you. I think this is the best way and who is not.
Let’s go. Say black hand
But Gul39dan was silent without him. He tried to grab the stick with his black hand and poke it in the fire. He knew that most orcs were his own clan. He was reckless and impulsive, but he knew the value and waited patiently.
I imagine that two groups of leaders will decide a simple thing. On the whole, their careers will be obvious to all after their leaders are elected. The second shadow, a group of hidden secret forces, Gul39dan said lightly that this shadow security meeting will include minerals to share our vision. Who is willing to make necessary sacrifices to get it?
The black hand nodded. It was my second public that led to private.
Gul39dan’s mouth stretches slowly, smiling at him for a while and then asking this question.
And I belong to people.
Two of my friends Gul39dan answered smoothly. You are a student leader, and your charm and strength are very strong. Your enemies know that you are a main strategic spirit, which will be the ore for you to be elected leader.
Mafia eyes flashed that I was not a puppet, he growled softly.
Of course, it’s not Gul39dan. That’s what I said. You will belong to two kinds. You will lead this new ore, this tribe, and you will be safe. We can’t work together unless we can trust each other.
The black hand stared into Gul39danglining’s clever eyes.
Smile. He doesn’t believe that the wizard is in the slightest. He suspects that Gul39dan agrees with him. It’s okay. They all want to help the black hand know that he doesn’t have intellectual skills. He has mastered some kind of power, but Gul39danlusedGul39dan doesn’t want that kind of power. They are eager for it. They are not competing, but what benefits will be beneficial to others rather than robbing him in the league?
Mafia recognizes his family, his teammate Urukal, his two sons Redmam, his daughter Grislda, and he doesn’t love them. Wave weak Duran dotes on his teammate Dellacqua, of course, but he takes care of them. He wants to see his teammates decorate jewelry, and his daughter respects the black hand of the children who are affected.
Walking in the corner of his eyes, he found the movement, and when he talked about it, he saw Ner39zhul once he was strong, and now he abandoned and slipped into the tent at the door.
How about it? black hand asked
Gul39dan shrugged his shoulders. What about him? Beautiful people want him to keep his vitality. It seems that solid phase extraction will remember Ner39zhul. He will still be a real lover. 39 Zhu is too deep-rooted ore. Throw him aside, but don’t worry, he won’t threaten us.
Dark wizard, you said you would train them in these new magic weapons, magicians, you and I said they would be invincible, and I would train them to adapt themselves well to the new art. I placed them in my first new warlks.
Warlock This is the name of this new magic team. It gives it an interesting sound. The warlock Blackstone warlks will choose first.
What did the black-handed chief Blackstone clan say? You and I suggest.
The black hand slowly turned to Gul39dan. I said hail tribe hail shadow.